Lauryn Hill Faces Fraud Lawsuit from Fugees Bandmate Pras Michel Over Tour Dispute

Lauryn Hill Faces Fraud Lawsuit from Fugees Bandmate Pras Michel Over Tour Dispute

By Marcus Bennett

December 2, 2024 at 03:01 AM

Pras Michel, former Fugees member, has filed a federal lawsuit against Lauryn Hill for alleged fraud and breach of contract regarding their canceled 2023 tour. The lawsuit was filed on October 1 in the Southern District of New York.

Lauryn Hill performing on stage

Lauryn Hill performing on stage

Key allegations in the lawsuit include:

  • Hill "grossly mismanaged" tour planning, marketing, and budgeting
  • Tour budget was intentionally inflated with unnecessary expenses
  • Hill took 40% of tour guarantees and profits before the remaining 60% was split between members
  • Hill rejected a $5 million Coachella offer without consulting bandmates
  • Undisclosed new agreement with Live Nation for additional Fugees shows

Michel claims the arena tour, which was largely sold out in advance, should have been commercially successful. The tour was canceled halfway through in November, with Hill citing vocal strain as the reason.

The lawsuit further alleges Hill has damaged the Fugees brand through chronic tardiness at performances, including a recent four-hour delay at a show in Nairobi, Kenya.

Hill has responded to the lawsuit, calling it "baseless" and "full of false claims and unwarranted attacks" in a statement to Variety.

Michel's legal action comes amid his own legal challenges, as he faces mounting legal fees from a four-year battle with the US Department of Justice related to the IMDB financial scandal.

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