British Band Sports Team Robbed at Gunpoint During California Coffee Stop

British Band Sports Team Robbed at Gunpoint During California Coffee Stop

By Marcus Bennett

December 4, 2024 at 08:35 AM

British indie band Sports Team was robbed at gunpoint during their first US tour stop in Vallejo, California. The incident occurred when the band stopped for coffee at Starbucks, and their tour van was looted while they were inside.

Man wearing black hoodie, looking distressed

Man wearing black hoodie, looking distressed

The thief, who brandished a gun when the band attempted to intervene, stole their passports, stage equipment, cameras, laptops, and personal belongings through a smashed passenger window. Fortunately, the band's instruments were secured in a locked compartment and remained untouched.

When alerted about the robbery in progress, band members rushed outside but were forced to retreat when the armed suspect was spotted. Tour manager Lauren narrowly avoided confrontation after warnings from bystanders. Local staff and customers appeared notably unfazed by the incident, suggesting such occurrences might be common in the area.

After contacting police, the band was instructed to file an online report, with no officers dispatched to the scene. Despite the setback, Sports Team remains committed to continuing their tour, which began in Sacramento and continues in San Francisco.

"We're definitely not going to let this put us off," said drummer Al Greenwood. "We've got nothing against the Bay Area — we think it's great here. But it's sad that it's kind of got to this sort of place with gun violence," added singer Alex Rice.

The band's third album, "Boys These Days," is scheduled for release at the end of February, and they plan to proceed with all scheduled tour dates despite the incident.

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